Saturday, March 17, 2018

Top 5 Comic Book Villains

“There's never been a true war that wasn't fought between two sets of people who were certain they were in the right. The really dangerous people believe they are doing whatever they are doing solely and only because it is without question the right thing to do. And that is what makes them dangerous.”

5. Dr. Doom
Victor Von Doom is not an average villain, he is damn right the devil who does not gives a fuck. After losing the reputation and money in terrible science experience, he learned the mystic ways of monks and comes back with vengeance.
His remorseless anger and confidence to take on anyone be it avengers or Thanos is what makes him truly special. This only side he takes is his own side.

4. Wilson Fisk
Yeah, Prolly the man with the higher calling. Betrayed by his own city, the man never shits to take matters into his own hands and he can truly punch you into oblivion.
But his love for Vanessa and empathy for even his adversaries is what makes him special. I mean especially how much he cares for Vanessa and his friends, the man is just doing the best he can for his friends and family.

3. Bane
Anarchyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !!!!! enough said.
Well, I thought to put Joker in anarchy but joker wants to burn down the world, Bane, however, wants to burn it down only to rekindle it.
Bane will forever be the man who broke the bat !! He is the Dark side, he is the savagery, he is the man you need to fear!

2. Billy Russo
Named after Billy the kid, I can hear him and feel for him the most and that's why is on the list.
Billy, an orphan, child abuse victim, soldier, friend, traitor, metrosexual, greedy, sophisticated, savage !!!
He is deeper than he is credited for. His Character makes me so sad, his betrayal was not about the greed for anything but the fact that Billy was broken from day 1, he was the monster no one ever wanted to see.

Well, I can't even start to talk about him, Definitely not a typical Villain, esp as he keeps explaining himself, but the fact that he is cruel, I will put him on the list and of course, he is the best in whatever he does.
His ambition the become grander than Alexander of Macedonia, is what attracts me the most and besides his  over the top 'be prepared for anything and everything' strategy just too hard to topple

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